Rashdan, N.A., Sim, A.M., Cui, L., Carter, R., Ozdemir, D.D., Hohenstein, P., Hung, J., Kaczynski, J., Newby, D.E., Baker, A.H., Karsenty, G., Morton, N.M. and MacRae, V.E. (2019). Osteocalcin Regulates Arterial Calcification via Altered Wnt Signalling and Glucose Metabolism. J.Bone Miner.Res, in press.
Rojo, R., Raper, A., Ozdemir, D. Lefevre, L., Grabert, K., Wollscheid-Lengeling, E., Bradford, B., Caruso, M., Gazova, I., Sánchez, A., Lisowski, Z., Alves, J., Molina,I., Davtyan, H., Lodge, R., Glover, J., Wallace, R., Munro, D., David, E., Amit, I., Miron, V., Priller, J., Jenkins, S., Hardingham, G., Blurton-Jones, M., Mabbott, N., Summers, K., Hohenstein, P., Hume, D. and Pridans, C. (2019). Deletion of a Csf1r enhancer selectively impacts CSF1R expression and development of tissue macrophage populations. Nature Comm. 10(1):3215.
Munro, D.A., Wineberg, Y, Tarnick, J., Vink, C.S., Li, Z., Pridans, C., Dzierzak, E., Kalisky, T., Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2019) Macrophages restrict the nephrogenic field and promote endothelial connections during kidney development. Elife, 8, e43271.
Asfahani, R.I., Tahoun, M.M., Miller-Hodges, E.V., Bellerby, J., Virasami, A.K., Sampson, R.D., Moulding, D., Sebire, N., Hohenstein, P., Scambler, P.J. and Waters, A.M. (2018). Activation of podocyte Notch mediates early Wt1 glomerulopathy. Kidney Int. 93, 903-920.
Munro, D.A., Hohenstein, P., Coate, T., and Davies, J.A. (2017). Refuting the hypothesis that semaphorin-3f/neuropilin-2 exclude blood vessels from the cap mesenchyme in the developing kidney. Dev. Dyn., 246, 1047-1056.
Kaverina, N.V., Eng, D.G., Largent, A.M., Daehn, I., Chang, A., Gross, K.W., Pippin J.W., Hohenstein, P. and Shankland, S.J. (2017) Wt1 is necessary for the proliferation and migration of cells of renin lineage following podocyte depletion. Stem Cell Rep., 9, 1152-1166.
Staines, K., Javaheri, B., Hohenstein, P., Fleming, R., Hopkinson, M., Buttle, D.J., Pitsillides, A.A. and Farquharson, C. (2017) Hypomorphic conditional deletion of E11/Podoplanin reveals a pivotal role in osteocyte dendrite elongation. J. Cell Physiol., 11, 3006-3019.
Munro, D.A., Hohenstein, P., and Davies, J.A. (2017) Cycles of Vascular Plexus Formation Within the Nephrogenic Zone of the Developing Mouse Kidney. Sci. Rep., 7, 3273.
Artibani, M., Sims, A.H., Slight, J., Aitken, S., Thornburn, A., Katz, E., Hastie, N.D. and Hohenstein, P. (2017) WT1 expression in breast cancer disrupts the epithelial/mesenchymal balance of tumour cells and correlates with the metabolic response to docetaxel. Sci Rep. 7, 45255.
Bharathavikru, R., Dudnakova, T., Aitken, S., Slight, J., Artibani, M., Hohenstein, P., von Kriegsheim, A., Tollervey, D. and Hastie, N. (2017) Transcription factor, Wilms Tumour 1 regulates developmental RNAs through 3' UTR interaction. Genes Dev., 31, 347-352.
Cachat, E., Liu, W, Martin, K.C., Yuan, X., Yin, H., Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2016) 2- and 3-dimensional synthetic large-scale de novo patterning by mammalian cells through phase separation. Sci. Rep. 6, 20664.
Berry R.L., Ozdemir, D, Aronow, B, Lindström, N.O., Dudnakova, T, Thornburn, A, Perry, P., Baldock, R., Armit, C., Joshi, A., Jeanpierre, C., Shan, J., Vainio, S., Baily J., Brownstein, D. Davies, J., Hastie, N.D. and Hohenstein, P. (2015) Deducing the stage of origin of Wilms' tumours from a developmental series of Wt1 mutants. Dis. Model Mech., 8, 903-917.
Ozdemir, D and Hohenstein, P. (2015). Size doesn’t matter; in the stroma little things make all the difference. Kidney Int. 87, 1087-1089.
Lindström, N.O., Carragher, N. and Hohenstein P. (2015). The PI3K pathway balances self-renewal and differentiation of nephron progenitor cells through β-catenin signalling. Stem Cell Rep. 4, 551-560.
Hohenstein, P., Pritchard-Jones, K. and Charlton, J. (2015). The yin and yang of kidney development and Wilms’ tumor. Genes Dev. 29, 467-482.
Lindström, N.O., Lawrence, M.L., Burn, S.F., Johansson, J.A., Bakker, E.R.M., Ridgway, R.A., Chang, C.-H., Karolak, M.J., Oxburgh, L., Headon, D.J., Sansom, O.J., Smits, R., Davies, J.A. and Hohenstein, P. (2015) Integrated β-catenin, BMP, PTEN, and Notch signalling patterns the nephron. Elife, 4, e04000.
Lindström N.O., Chang C.-H., Valerius, T.M., Hohenstein, P., Davies J.A. (2015). Node retraction during patterning of the urinary collecting duct system. J.Anat. 226, 13-21.
Wagner, K.-D., Cherfils-Vicini, J., Hosen, N., Hohenstein, P., Gilson, E., Hastie, N.D., Michels, J.-F. and Wagner, N. (2014). The Wilms' tumour suppressor Wt1 is a major regulator of tumour angiogenesis and progression. Nature Comm. 16;5:5852.
Cachat, E., Liu, W., Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2014). A library of mammalian effector modules for synthetic morphology. J.Biol.Eng. 8:26.
Mort, R.L., Ford, M.F., Sakaue-Sawano, A, Lindström, N.O., Casadio, A., Douglas, A.T., Keighren, M.A., Hohenstein, P., Miyawaki, A. and Jackson, I.J. (2014). Fucci2a: A bicistronic cell cycle reporter that allows Cre-mediated tissue-specific expression in mice. Cell Cycle. 13, 2681-2696.
Davies J.A., Hohenstein, P., Chang, C.-H. and Berry, R. (2014) A self-avoidance mechanism in patterning of the urinary collecting duct tree. BMC Dev. Biol., 14, 35.
Hohenstein P. and Hastie N.D. (2014) LINking microRNAs, kidney development, and Wilms tumors. Genes Dev., 28, 923-925.
Wishart, T.M., Mutsaers, C.A., Riessland, M., Reimer, M.M., Hunter, G., Hannam, M.L., Eaton, S.E., Fuller, H.R., Roche, S.L., Somers, E., Morse, R., Young, P.J., Lamont, D.J., Hammerschmidt, M., Joshi, A., Hohenstein, P., Morris, G.E., Parson, S.H., Skehel, P.S., Becker, T., Robinson, I.M., Becker, C.G., Wirth, B., and Gillingwater, T.H. (2014) Dysregulation of ubiquitin homeostasis and β-catenin signaling promote spinal muscular atrophy. J.Clin.Invest., 124, 1821-1834.
Ozdemir D.D. and Hohenstein P. (2014). Wt1 in the Kidney – a Tale in Mouse Models. Pediatr. Nephrol, 29, 687-693.
Perotti, D*., Hohenstein, P*., Bongarzone, I., Maschietto, M., Weeks, M., Radice, P. and Pritchard-Jones, K. (2013) Is Wilms Tumor a Candidate Neoplasia for Treatment with WNT/β-Catenin Pathway Modulators? A Report from the Renal Tumors Biology-Driven Drug Development Workshop. Mol. Cancer. Ther., 12, 2619-2627. * equal first author.
Bandiera, R., Vidal, V.P., Motamedi, F.J., Clarkson, M., Sahut-Barnola, I, von Gise, A., Pu, W.T., Hohenstein, P., Martinez, A. and Schedl, A. (2013). WT1 Maintains Adrenal-Gonadal Primordium Identity and Marks a Population of AGP-like Progenitors within the Adrenal Gland. Dev. Cell, 27, 5-18.
Lindström, N.O., Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2013). Nephrons require Rho-kinase for proximal-distal polarity development. Sci.Rep., 3, 2692.
Harari-Steinberg, O., Metsuyanim, S., Omer, D., Gnatek, Y., Gershon, R., Pri-Chen, S., Ozdemir, D.D., Lerenthal, Y., Noiman, T., Ben-Hur, H., Vaknin, Z., Schneider, D.F., Aronow, B.J., Goldstein, R.S., Hohenstein, P. and Dekel, B. (2013). Identification of human nephron progenitors capable of generation of kidney structures and functional repair of chronic renal disease. EMBO Mol.Med., 10, 1556-1568.
O'Connor, A.K, Malarkey, E.B., Berbari N.F., Croyle M.J., Haycraft C.J., Bell P.D., Hohenstein P., Kesterson R.A., Yoder B.K. (2013). An inducible CiliaGFP mouse model for in vivo visualization and analysis of cilia in live tissue. Cilia 2(1):8.
Dolt, K.S. , Lawrence, M.L., Miller-Hodges, E., Slight, J., Thornburn, A., Devenney, P.S. and Hohenstein, P. (2013). A universal vector for high-efficiency multi-fragment recombineering of BACs and knock-in constructs. PLoS ONE 8(4): e62054.
Tai, G. , Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2013). FAK/Src signalling is important to renal collecting duct morphogenesis: discovery using a hierarchical screening technique. Biol. Open. 2, 416-423.
Hohenstein, P. (2013). The Stem and Roots of Wilms’ tumours. EMBO Mol.Med., 5, 4-6.
Tai. G. , Hohenstein, P. and Davies, J.A. (2012). Making immortalized cell lines from embryonic mouse kidney. Methods Mol. Biol., 886, 165-171.
Veikkolainen, V. , Naillet, F., Railo, A., Chi, L., Manninen, A., Hohenstein, P., Hastie, N., Vainio, S. and Elenius, K. (2012). ErbB4 regulates tubular cell polarity and lumen diameter during kidney development. JASN, 23, 112-122.
Miller-Hodges, E. and Hohenstein, P. (2012). WT1 in disease: shifting the epithelial-mesenchymal balance. J. Path. 226, 229-240.
Chau, Y.-Y., Brownstein, D., Mjoseng, H., Lee, W.-C., Buza-Vidas, N., Nerlov, C., Jacobsen, S.E., Perry, P., Berry, R., Thornburn, A., Sexton, D., Morton, N., Hohenstein, P., Freyer, E., Samuel, K., van't Hof, R. and Hastie, N. (2011). Acute multiple organ failure in adult mice deleted for the developmental regulator, Wt1. PLoS Genet, 7(12):e1002404.
Essafi, A. , Webb, A., Berry, R.L., Joan, S., Burn, S.F., Spraggon, L., Velecela, V., Martinez-Estrada, O., Wiltshire, J., Roberts, S.G.E., Brownstein, D., Davies, J.A., Hastie, N.D. and Hohenstein, P. (2011). A Wt1-controlled chromatin switching mechanism underpins tissue-specific Wnt4 activation and repression. Dev. Cell, 21, 559-574.
Burn, S.F. , Webb, A., Berry, R.L., Davies, J.A., Ferrer-Vaquer, A., Hadjantonakis, A.-K., Hastie, N.D. and Hohenstein, P. (2011). Calcium/NFAT signalling promotes early nephrogenesis. Dev.Biol., 352, 288-298.
Berry, R., Harewood, L., Pei, L., Fisher, M. Brownstein, D., Ross, A., Alaynick, W.A., Moss, J., Hastie, N.D., Hohenstein, P., Davies, J.A., Evans, R.M. FitzPatrick, D.R. (2011) Esrrg functions in early branch generation of the ureteric bud and is essential for normal development of the renal papilla. Hum. Mol. Genet., 20, 917-926.
Lee, W.C. , Hough, M.T., Liu, W., Ekiert, R., Lindstrom, N.O., Hohenstein P. and Davies J.A. (2010) Dact2 is expressed in the developing ureteric bud/ collecting duct system of the kidney and controls morphogenetic behaviour of collecting duct cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol., 299, F740-751.
Martinez-Estrada, O.M. , Lettice, L.A., Essafi, A., Guadix, J.A., Slight, J., Velecela, V., Hall, E., Reichmann, J., Devenney, P.D., Hohenstein, P., Hosen, N., Hill, R.E., Muñoz-Chapuli, R. and Hastie, N.D. (2010). Wt1 is required for mesenchymal cardiovascular progenitor formation through direct transcriptional control of Snail and E-cadherin. Nature Genet., 42, 89-93.
Hohenstein P. , Slight J., Ozdemir, D.D., Burn, S.F., Berry, R. and Hastie, N.D. (2008) High-efficiency Rosa26 knock-in vector construction for Cre-regulated overexpression and RNAi. Pathogenetics, 3, 1.
Vitart, V., Rudan I., Hayward C., Gray N.K., Floyd, J., Palmer, C.N.A., Knott, S.A., Kolcic, I., Polasek, O., Graessler, J., Wilson, J.F., Marinaki, A., Riches, P.L., Janicijevic, B., Smolej-Narancic, N., Gorgoni B., Morgan, J., Campbell, S., Biloglav, Z., Barac-Lauc, L., Pericic, M., Martinovic Klaric, I., Zgaga, L., Skaric-Juric, T., Shu, X., Wild, S.H., Richardson, W.A., Hohenstein, P., Kimber, C.H., Tenesa, A., Donnelly, L.A., Fairbanks, L.D., Aringer, M., McKeigue, P.M., Ralston, S.H., Morris, A.D., Rudan, P, Hastie, N.D., Campbell, H. and Wright, A.F. (2008) The major facilitator superfamily member SLC2A9 is a novel uric acid transporter influencing serum urate concentrations, urate excretion and gout. Nature Genet., 40, 437-442.
Lee, W.-C., Berry, R., Hohenstein, P., Davies, J. (2008) siRNA as a tool for investigating organogenesis: The pitfalls and the promises. Organogenesis, 4, 3.
IJpenberg, A., Pérez-Pomares J.M., Guadix J.A., Carmona R., Portillo-Sánchez V., Macías D., Hohenstein P, Miles C.M., Hastie N.D. and Muñoz-Chápuli R. (2007) Wt1 and retinoic acid signaling are essential for stellate cell development and liver morphogenesis. Dev.Biol. 312, 157-170.
Hohenstein, P. and Hastie, N.D. (2006) The many facets of the Wilms' tumour gene, WT1. Hum Mol Genet, 15 Spec No 2, R196-201.
Alberici, P. , Jagmohan-Changur, S., De Pater, E., Van Der Valk, M., Smits, R., Hohenstein, P. and Fodde, R. (2006) Smad4 haploinsufficiency in mouse models for intestinal cancer. Oncogene, 25, 1841-51.
Amini Nik, S., Hohenstein, P., Jadidizadeh, A., Van Dam, K., Bastidas, A., Berry, R.L., Patek, C.E., Van der Schueren, B., Cassiman, J.J. and Tejpar, S. (2005) Upregulation of Wilms' tumor gene 1 (WT1) in desmoid tumors. Int J Cancer, 114, 202-8.
Hohenstein, P. (2004) Tumour suppressor genes--one hit can be enough. PLoS Biol, 2, E40.
Davies, J.A. , Ladomery, M., Hohenstein, P., Michael, L., Shafe, A., Spraggon, L. and Hastie, N. (2004) Development of an siRNA-based method for repressing specific genes in renal organ culture and its use to show that the Wt1 tumour suppressor is required for nephron differentiation. Hum Mol Genet, 13, 235-46.
Hohenstein, P., Molenaar, L., Elsinga, J., Morreau, H., Van Der Klift, H., Struijk, A., Jagmohan-Changur, S., Smits, R., Van Kranen, H., Van Ommen, G.J., Cornelisse, C., Devilee, P. and Fodde, R. (2003) Serrated adenomas and mixed polyposis caused by a splice acceptor deletion in the mouse Smad4 gene. Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 36, 273-82.
Hohenstein, P. and Giles, R.H. (2003) BRCA1: a scaffold for p53 response? Trends Genet, 19, 489-94.
Hohenstein, P. and Fodde, R. (2003) Of mice and (wo)men: genotype-phenotype correlations in BRCA1. Hum Mol Genet, 12 Suppl 2, R271-7.
Chandler, J., Hohenstein, P., Swing, D.A., Tessarollo, L. and Sharan, S.K. (2001) Human BRCA1 gene rescues the embryonic lethality of Brca1 mutant mice. Genesis, 29, 72-77.
Hohenstein, P., Kielman, M.F., Breukel, C., Bennett, L.M., Wiseman, R., Krimpenfort, P., Cornelisse, C., van Ommen, G.J., Devilee, P. and Fodde, R. (2001) A targeted mouse Brca1 mutation removing the last BRCT repeat results in apoptosis and embryonic lethality at the headfold stage. Oncogene, 20, 2544-2450.
Adema, G. , Bakker, A., Boer, A.d., Hohenstein, P. and Figdor, C. (1996) Pmel17 is recognised by monoclonal antibodies NKI BETEB, HMB 45 and HMB 50 and by anti melanoma CTL. Br.J.Cancer, 73, 1044-1048.
Kraft, H. , Mosselman, S., Smits, H., Hohenstein, P., Piek, E., Chen, Q., Artzt, K. and Zoelen, E.v. (1996) Oct 4 regulates alternative platelet derived growth factor alpha receptor gene promoter in human embryonal carcinoma cells. J.Biol.Chem., 271, 12873-12878.
Ley, P.v.d., Biezen, J.v.d., Hohenstein, P., Peeters, C. and Poolman, J.T. (1993) Use of transformation to construct antigenic hybrids of the Class 1 Outer Membrane Proteins in Neisseria meningitidis. Infect.Immun., 61, 4217-4224.