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9 October 2019

Osteocalcin, Wnt signalling and glucose metabolism in arterial calcification

Our work with the lab of Vicky MacRea at The Roslin Institute is published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

23 September 2019

Seminar Douglas Vernimmen

Douglas Vernimmen from The Roslin Institute visited the Hohenstein lab and gave a seminar on his work on transcriptional regulation in hematopoietic development

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19 July 2019

Tissue-specific macrophage controlled by the Csfr1 FIRE enhancer element

The paper describing the generation and analysis of a mouse model with a deletion of the Csf1r FIRE enhancer element we did with David Hume and others at The Roslin Institute and elsewhere is published in Nature Communications

15 July 2019

Seminar Melissa Little

Another guest in the Hohenstein, another seminar. This time Melissa Little from Murcoch Research Children's Institute was giving an update on her work on kidney organoids

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2 July 2019

Seminar Bruce Aronow

It was great to welcome Bruce Aronow from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center to the LUMC for a visit to the Hohenstein lab and a fascinating seminar on single cell analysis.  

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13 February 2019

Macrophages in kidney development

Many macrophages are found in the developing kidney. This work in Elife from our collaboration with David Munro and Jamie Davies, shows these cells are important for NPC clearance and the building of the kidney vasculature.

30 April 2018

The Hohenstein lab is back in Leiden

From Today the Hohenstein lab is back in Leiden at the Dept. Human Genetics. It's always good to be back home...

6 February 2018

Notch in Wt1 glomerulopathy

The paper on the role of Notch in Wt1 glomerulopathy from our collaboration with Aoife Waters at UCL is now out in Kidney International.

1 January 2018

The Hohenstein lab is moving

During spring 2018 the Hohenstein lab will move from The Roslin Institute to the Department of Human Genetics at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.

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